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Yoga History in Practice and in Theory - Part 1

🕉 Yoga History Workshop in Practice and Theory - Part 1. With Alexander Lasithiotakis

11:00 - 12:00

Practice: Introduction, mantra and meditation. Break for toilet, tea and chocolate.

12:30 - 14:00

Theory: speech and discussion, more tea and chocolate

Yoga today, spreading succesfully all over the globe. Ever more popular as well as a million dollar industry, it increasingly finds practioners across cultural and social borders as ever before. And yet, at the same time, it looks like the scope and ideas of the practice become increasingly mistyfied and misunderstood.

Is yoga about being strong? Being able to reach your toes? Is it a religion? Or simply something that makes you look extra cool on Instagram?

In this workshop series Alexander Lassithiotakis takes on the history of yoga, in both theory and practices, aiming to give a better understanding of the tradition, for yoga practitioners and teachers alike.

▶️ Part one

From the Buddha to Patanjali.

Covers roughly from 500bc to 500ad, the classical period where yoga becomes a mass movement of counter culture for the first time in history, as well as increasingly institionalised religions and philosophy.

Its meditation practices where discussed and refined accordingly and taught to monastics, ascetics, commoners and househoulders alike. Its succes saw it spreading and exportet from its birthlands and produced some of the most foundational yogic texts, like the yoga sutras, the dharmapada or the Bhagavad Geeta.

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